Sunday, February 19, 2012

San Juan Islands Lighthouses

We started looking at the San Juan lighthouses this evening. There are five:
-Burrows Island
-Cattle Point
-Lime Kiln
-Turn Point
-Patos Island

This poses a challenge.

Both Lime Kiln and Cattle Point are in state parks on San Juan Island. That's a simple day trip via ferry. But the other three have water only access...and not by ferry boat. So we are considering that we'll have to charter a boat to get our photos of those. I believe I've actually been to Patos when I was at summer camp as a kid on Orcas. I think I remember being on Matia or Sucia Island or was it Patos? Anyways, that could also be a day trip or we could make a long weekend with an overnight near Anacortes to visit all five at once.


It's funny how when I started with just a list of names of all the Washington state lighthouses, I had no idea where any of them were located nor what it would actually take to see them all. This has been a wonderful family project so far!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Washington Coast Lighthouses

What's next?

I'm looking at the coast...there are two:
-Grays Harbor Westport
-Destruction Island

Anything with "island" after it means WATER! I have a private blog where I jot notes about our trip planning and I've done a little research this evening. We could make a nice little weekend trip to the Ocean Shores area for the Westport lighthouse and then take an afternoon drive up to Destruction Island which can be viewed from Ruby Beach which is on a portion of Highway 101 that runs for about 12 miles right along the water (thanks to for that info)! Hopefully it will be clear enough to see the lighthouse on the day we actually get there!

So why not up north to Neah Bay to see the Cape Flattery Lighthouse? We had a already trip planned for September, but Grampa passed away the week prior so we postponed it. The Cape Flattery Lighthouse is included in that trip.

A special thanks (as usual) to as I find it invaluable in planning our lighthouse visits! Thanks Kraig!
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